Topi Jerami is a pop punk band from Bogor, Indonesia when mostly local band play the same way like we do, we try to make this sounds different. Started at 2005 when we were high school and had an idea to make a cover punk band, The name of the band was taken from the japanesse animation called one piece, cause we’re so addicted of it at the time, so we were so young and just took it without any further description about the name, and so on we named our band as TOPI JERAMI and we are so proud of it.
Topi Jerami start the music carrier since high school, performing a punk rock music into high school punk shows, the hard scene and hard competitors pushes us to raise up our name seriously. At the time, kids realy doesn’t know or even don’t wanna hear things about cutting edge music, cause they don’t really understand what’s inside, so it’s quite difficult to introduce this kind of music to the open market, but as time goes by people started to listen and started to like this music though they just listen the easy part of the music. Realize those senses then we started to make our first demo at ‘06 and got big big responses from kids who also like punk music.
At the middle of ’07 we changed a lot in members, some of our old members resigned from the band, but we continue our struggle and find the new dudes to fill the emptyness, and now we are so solid and keep making music time to time. At ‘08 we made our first album called ’Pertunjukan Hari Esok’ a quite simple album contains 8 track of new songs, more people start to like us, listen us, bought our cd invite us to play more shows and it’s getting bigger and bigger untill now. We play bigger stages, visiting town to town promoting our records, play at local radio, lots of magazine review, yeah we had it all today and we are so glad about it.
‘09-’10 was a great moment for us, cause we officialy announced our TJ Street Team in almost all of big town in Indonesia we’re so happy to run this, and collecting kids from all over the place to join the team and share info about TJ to them. Right now we are concentrating to make a new album, yes our second album and we named it ‘Nothing More, Nothing Less’ as the title, and we are so focus in every recording process that we’ve done and through it with very optimistic feel. Listen to our songs immediately and watch us shaking people’s head and body. VIVA LA TJ!!
Formasi sekarang:
Guitar, Vocal : Yagee Wiraya
Guitar, Back Voc : Cheppy Sofyan
Bass, Back Voc : Cupliz Al
Synth : Irvan Bastian
Drums : Mishael Ben.R
Sumber: myspace Topi Jerami